


研究员 博导








主要从事宽禁带半导体表征、微尺度传热、器件仿真、设计及先进热管理研究工作,在薄膜尺度热反射表征方法(time domain thermoreflectance transient thermoreflectance)、声子热输运理论和测试、以及()宽禁带半导体器件设计等领域具有一定的技术优势和科研特色,承担多个国家/省部级重大战略需求的纵向科研项目。







2019.05-2021.02: 佐治亚理工学院,机械学院,博后


2017.04-2019.04: 布里斯托大学,物理学院,博后


2012.09-2017.03: 华中科技大学,工程热物理系,博士


2008.09-2012.06: 华中科技大学,能源与动力工程,学士







  • Chao Yuan; Mingyo Park;Yue Zheng; Jingjing Shi; Rytis Dargis; Samuel Graham; Azadeh Ansari; Phonon heat conduction in Al1-xScxN thin films, Materials Today Physics, 21,100498, 2021.

  • Jingjing Shi, Chao Yuan,  Hsien-Lien Huang; Jared Johnson; Chris Chae; Shangkun Wang; Riley Hanus; Samuel Kim; Zhe Cheng; Jinwoo Hwang; Samuel Graham, Thermal Transport across Metal/β-Ga 2 O 3 Interfaces, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 24, 29083–29091,2021. (共一作)

  • Samuel Kim; Yuewei Zhang; Chao Yuan; Rob Montgomery; Akhil Mauze; Jingjing Shi; Esmat Farzana; James S. Speck; Samuel Graham, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology 10.1109/TCPMT.2021.3089321, 2021.

  • Mohamadali Malakoutian; Yiwen Song; Chao Yuan;Chenhao Ren;James Spencer Lundh;Robert M. Lavelle; Joseph E. Brown;David W. Snyder;Samuel Graham;Sukwon Choi; Srabanti Chowdhury, Polycrystalline diamond growth on β-Ga2O3 for thermal management, Applied Physics Express,14, 055502,2021

  • Robert H. Montgomery; Yuewei Zhang; Chao Yuan;  Samuel Kim; Jingjing Shi; Takeki Itoh; Akhil Mauze; Satish Kumar; James Speck; Samuel Graham, Thermal management strategies for gallium oxide vertical trench-fin MOSFETs, Journal of Applied Physics 129(8), 085301, 2021.




  • Chao Yuan; Yuewei Zhang; Robert Montgomery; Samuel Kim; Jingjing Shi; Akhil Mauze; Takeki Itoh; James S. Speck; Samuel Graham, Modelling and Analysis for Thermal Management in Gallium Oxide Field-Effect Transistors, Journal of Applied Physics 127(15), 154502 (2020).

  • Elisha Mercado‡; Chao Yuan; Yan Zhou; Jiahan Li; James H. Edgar; Martin Kuball; Isotopically enhanced thermal conductivity in few-layer hexagonal boron nitride. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3, 12, 12148–12156, 2020. (共一作)

  • Jiahan Li; Chao Yuan; Christine Elias; Junyong Wang; Xiaotian Zhang; Gaihua Ye; Chaoran Huang; Martin Kuball; Goki Eda; Joan M. Redwing; Rui He; Guillaume Cassabois; Bernard Gil; Pierre Valvin; Thomas Pelini; Bin Liu; James H. Edgar, Hexagonal Boron Nitride Single Crystal Growth from Solution with a Temperature Gradient, Chem. Mater. 32, 12, 5066–5072, 2020.

  • Matthew D. Smith; Jerome A. Cuenca; Daniel E. Field; Yen-chun Fu; Chao Yuan; Fabien Massabuau; Soumen Mandal; James W. Pomeroy; Rachel A. Oliver; Michael J. Uren; Khaled Elgaid; Oliver A. Williams; Iain Thayne; Martin Kuball, GaN-on-diamond technology platform: Bonding-free membrane manufacturing process, AIP Advances 10, 035306 (2020).




  • Chao Yuan; Jiahan Li; Lucas Lindsay; David Cherns; James W. Pomeroy; Song Liu; James H. Edgar; Martin Kuball, Modulating the thermal conductivity in hexagonal boron nitride via controlled boron isotope concentration, (Nature Publishing Group) Communications Physics 2 (1), 43, 2019. 文章被多家媒体报道https://www.nature.com/articles/s42005-019-0145-5/metrics

  • Chao Yuan; William M. Waller; Martin Kuball, Nanosecond transient thermoreflectance method for characterizing anisotropic thermal conductivity, Review of Scientific Instrument, 90(11):114903, 2019.

  • Soumen Mandal; Chao Yuan; Fabien Massabuau; James W. Pomeroy; Jerome Cuenca; Henry Bland; Evan Thomas; David Wallis; Tim Batten; David Morgan; Rachel Oliver; Martin Kuball; Oliver A.Williams, Thick, Adherent Diamond Films on AlN with Low Thermal Barrier Resistance, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 43, 40826-40834.

  • Chao Yuan; James W. Pomeroy; Martin Kuball, Above bandgap thermoreflectance for non-invasive thermal characterization of GaN-based wafers. Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 102101 (2018). (Editor's Pick, 封面文章)









罗小兵,袁超等, 一种高分子复合散热材料制备方法, CN105038136B  (已授权)

罗小兵,郑怀,付星,王依蔓,袁超,一种基板结构及其用于二极管封装中荧光粉涂覆的方法,CN102779925B (已授权)




• Zhe Cheng, Jingjing Shi, Chao Yuan, Samuel Kim, Samuel Graham, Thermal science and engineering of β-Ga2O3 materials and devices(Chapter), in In book: Ultrawide Bandgap Semiconductors, Publisher: Elsevier, 2021.




  • 国家自然科学青年基金 2022-2024

  • 湖北省重点研发项目2022-2023

  • 中国-斯诺法克国际合作交流项目2022-2023



  • 三篇论文ESI高引

  • 2012年中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议优秀论文二等奖

职位 研究员 博导 邮箱 chaoyuan@whu.edu.cn
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