



Journal reviewer for Sensors and Actuators A: Physical

Journal reviewer for Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures

Journal reviewer for Nano energy.

Journal reviewer for IEEE Electronic Letters

Journal reviewer for Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A

Technical Program Committee Member for ALLSENSORS 2016





thin film MEMS/NEMS with applications in sensors, energy harvesters, acoustic wave resonators, and RF filters.




2001-2006 硕博连读(凝聚态物理)betway必威物理科学与技术学院

研究方向: 机敏传感器材料和器件的研制与应用


1995-1999 理学学士, betway必威物理系







  • 自维持智能机器健康监测系统,课题负责人,2017年-2020年,(150万新币)

  • 用于机器健康监测的传感器和物联网系统,课题负责人,2017年-2018年,(142.1万新币)

  • 基于氮化铝薄膜的宽带能量采集器,课题负责人,2014年-2017年,(187.5万美金)

  • TSV-MEMS Platform for RF Systems课题共同负责人,2014年-2017年(280万新币)

  • 极端环境下压力传感器二期项目,课题负责人,2015年-2017年(19.964万新币)

  • 用于机油质量检测的年度传感器,课题负责人,2015年-2017年(26.517万新币)

  • 基于氮化铝薄膜的微机电能量采集器,课题负责人,2012-2014(220万新币)

  • 研究院核心项目基于氮化铝的高频谐振器件,课题负责人,2011-2013,(40万新币)


  • 铁电,压电振动模式的能量采集器研究

  • 微机电系统加工与合成


  • 铁电,压电振动模式的能量采集器研究

  • 氮化铝薄膜制备与表征,微机电系统加工与合成


  • 铁电,压电纳米复合材料的制备与研究


  • 铁电,压电传感器,执行器的研发与应用研究


  • 本科生年级主管

  • 本科生班级导师




  1. C.L. Sun, J. Shi, D.J. Bayerl and X.D. Wang*, PVDF microbelts for harvesting energy from respirationEnergy & Environmental Science, 4, 4508-4512 2011. (citation: 112, IF 25.427)

  2. C.L. Sun, J. Shi and X.D. Wang*, Fundamental Study of Mechanical Energy Harvesting Using Piezoelectric Nanostructures, Journal of Applied Physics 108 (3), 034309, 2010. (citation: 53, IF 2.101)

  3. C.L. Sun, L.F. Qin, F. Li and Q.M. Wang*, Piezoelectric energy harvesting using single crystal Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (PMN-PT) devices, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 20, 559-568, 2009. (citation: 30, IF 1.975)

  4. Jian Shi, C.L. Sun, Matthew B. Starr and Xudong Wang*, Growth of Titanium Dioxide Nanorods in 3D-Confined SpacesNano Letters, 11, 624-631 2011. (citation: 55, IF 13.779)

  5. J. Shi, Y. Hara, C.L. Sun, M.A. Anderson, X.D. Wang*, Three-Dimensional High-Density Hierarchical Nanowire Architecture for High-Performance Photoelectrochemical ElectrodesNano Letters, 11, 3413-3419 2011. (citation: 131, IF 13.779)

  6. Y. Zhu, N. Wang, Gengli Chua, C.L. Sun*, N. Singh, Y.D. Gu, ScAlN-Based LCAT Mode Resonators above 2GHz with High FOM and Reduced Fabrication Complexity, IEEE Electron Device Letters (EDL), 38 (10), 1481-1484, 2017. (citation: 0, IF 2.528)

  7. Q.Y. Xie, N. Wang, C.L. Sun*, A.B. Randles, P. Singh, X.L. Zhang and Y.D. Gu, Effectiveness of Oxide Trench Array as a Passive Temperature Compensation Structure in AlN-on-Silicon Micromechanical Resonators, Applied Physics Letters, 110, 083501, 2017.(Citation: 0, IF 3.142).

  8. G.Q. Wu, Y. Zhu, S. Merugu, N. Wang, C.L. Sun*, Y.D. Gu, GHz spurious mode free AlN lamb wave resonator with high figure of merit using one dimensional phononic crystal tethers, Applied Physics Letters, 109, 013506, 2016. (Citation: 0, IF 3.142).

  9. Y. Zhu, N. Wang, C.L. Sun*, S. Merugu, N. Singh, Y.D. Gu, A High Coupling Coefficient 2.3GHz AlN Resonator for High Band LTE Filtering Application, IEEE Electron Device Letters (EDL), 37 (10), 1344-1346, 2016. (citation: 0, IF 2.528)

  10. C.L. Sun, B.W. Soon, Y. Zhu, N. Wang, P.H. Loke, X.J. Mu, J.F. Tao and Y.D. Gu, Methods for improving electromechanical coupling coefficient in two dimensional electric field excited AlN Lamb wave resonators, Applied Physics Letters, 106, 253502, 2015. (citation: 0, IF 3.142)

  11. C.L. Sun, X.J. Mu, L.Y. Siow, W.M. Tsang, H.M. Ji, H.K. Chang, Q.X. Zhang, Y.D. Gu, and D.L. Kwong, A miniaturization strategy for harvesting vibration energy utilizing Helmholtz resonance and vortex shedding effect, IEEE Electron Device Letters (EDL), 35 (2), 271-273, 2014. (citation: 1, IF 2.528)

  12. C.L. Sun, L.F. Qin, X. Hao, Z.X. Xiong and Q.M. Wang, Ferroelectric and electromechanical property characterization of single Pb(ZrTi)O3 fiber resonator, Journal of Applied Physics, 107 (2), 2010. (citation: 3, IF 2.101)

  13. C.L. SunK. H. Lam, H. L. W. Chan, X-Z. Zhao, and C. L. Choy, Effect of geometry on the characteristics of a drum actuator, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. 18: pp. 1077 – 1082, 10 2007. (citation: 4, IF 1.975)

  14. C.L. SunK. H. Lam, C. Chao, S.T. Lau, H. L. W. Chan, S.S. Guo and X-Z. Zhao, Fabrication and characterization of Ni/P(VDF-TrFE) nanoscaled coaxial cables, Applied Physics Letters 90 (25): Art. No. 253107 Jun 18 2007. (citation: 10, IF 3.142)

  15. C.L. Sun, K. H. Lam, H. L. W. Chan, X-Z. Zhao, and C. L. Choy, A high sensitivity cymbal-based accelerometer, Review of Scientific Instruments, 77 (3): Art. No. 036109 Part 1 MAR 2006. (citation: 1, IF 1.336)

  16. C.L. SunK. H. Lam, J. Wang, H. L. W. Chan, X-Z. Zhao, and C. L. Choy, Precision piezoelectric acoustic position detector, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol.128, Issue 2, p. 290-295,2006. (citation: 3, IF 2.201)

  17. C.L. SunK. H. Lam, H. L. W. Chan, X-Z. Zhao, and C. L. Choy, A novel drum piezoelectric-actuator, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, Volume 84, Number 4, pp. 385 – 389, Sep 2006. (citation: 7, IF 1.444)

  18. C.L. Sun, S.S. Guo, W.P. Li, Z.B. Xing, G.C. Liu, X.Z. Zhao, The effect of the geometry on the displacement amplification and resonance characteristics of the cymbal transducers,Integrated Ferroelectrics, vol. 80: 383-393 2006. (citation: 0, IF 0.375)

  19. C.L. Sun, S.S. Guo, W.P. Li, Z.B. Xing, G.C. Liu, X.Z. Zhao, Displacement amplification and resonance characteristics of the cymbal transducers, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,vol.121, No.1, p.213-220, 2005. (citation: 22, IF 2.201)

  20.  S.H. Wang, X.J. Mu, Y. Yang, C.L. SunA.Y.D. Gu and Z.L. Wang, Flow-driven triboelectric generator for directly powering a wireless sensor node, Advanced Materials, vol. 27, issue 2, p. 240-248, 2014. (citation: 12, IF 18.96)

  21. Y. Zhu, Y.J. Zheng, C.L. Sun, Y. Gao, Y.D. Gu, H. Campanella,A High-impedance Dual-mode SAW Resonator for Ultra Low Power and High Data Rate FSK Modulator, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 220, p. 188-193, 2014. (citation: 1, IF 2.201)

  22. Y. Zhu, Y.J. Zheng, Y. Gao, D. I Made, C.L. Sun, M. Je, and Y.D. Gu, An Energy Autonomous 400 MHz Active Wireless SAW Temperature Sensor Powered by Vibration Energy Harvesting, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol. 62, p976-985, 2015.(citation: 0, IF 2.393)

  23. K.H. LamC. L. SunK.W. KwokH.L.W. Chan, Piezoelectric dispenser based on a piezoelectric-metal-cavity actuator, Review of Scientific Instruments, 80(7):075110, Aug 2009. (citation: 4, IF 1.336)

  24. J.X. ZhangJ.Y. Dai, L.C. SoC.L. Sun, C.Y. Lo, S.W. Or, and H.L.W. Chan, The effect of magnetic nanoparticles on the morphology, ferroelectric, and magnetoelectric behaviors of CFO/P(VDF-TrFE) 0–3 nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 105,  Issue: 5  Article Number: 054102  Jan 2009. (citation: 29, IF 2.101)

  25. J.X. ZhangJ. Y. DaiC. K. ChowC. L. SunV. C. Lo, and H. L. W. Chan, Magnetoelectric coupling in CoFe2O4/SrRuO3/Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 heteroepitaxial thin film structure, Applied Physics Letters 92, 022901 2008. (citation: 23, IF 3.142)

  26. K.H. Lam, C.L. Sun, H.L.W. Chan, et al., A piezoelectric-metal-cavity (PMC) actuator

  27. Journal of Electroceramics 18 (3-4): 251-253 Aug 2007. (citation: 4, IF 1.263)

  28. M.S. Guo, X.P. Jiang, K.H. Lam, S. Wang, C. L. Sun, et al., Lead-free multilayer piezoelectric transformer, Review of Scientific Instruments, 78 (1): Art. No. 016105 JAN 2007.(citation: 3, IF 1.336)

  29. S. Wang, K.H. Lam, C.L. Sun, et al., Energy harvesting with piezoelectric drum transducer

  30. Applied Physics Letters 90 (11): Art. No. 113506 Mar 12 2007. (citation: 41, IF 3.142)

  31. S. Wang, M.S. Guo, C.L. Sun, et al., A microstrip bandgap filter with the photonic band gap resonatorsMicrowave and Optical Technology Letters 49 (8): 2020-2022 Aug 2007.(citation: 0, IF 0.545)

  32. S.S. Guo, C.L. Sun, et al., Thermal study on structural changes and phase transition in high-energy electron-irradiated blends of P(VDF-TrFE) copolymersJournal of Materials Science 42 (4): 1184-1189 FEB 2007. (citation: 4, IF 2.302)

  33. S.S. Guo, W.P. Li, L.W. Sang C.L. Sun, X.Z. Zhao , Finite element analysis of underwater cymbal transducers with large displacement and fast response time, Integrated Ferroelectrics 78: 103-111 2006. (citation: 0, IF 0.375)

  34. X.H. Sun, B.L. Zhu, T. Liu, M.Y. Li, X.Z. Zhao, D.Y. Wang, C.L. Sun, and Helen L.W. Chan, Dielectric and tunable properties of K-doped Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films fabricated by sol-gel method, Journal of Applied Physics, 99, 084103 2006. (citation: 41, IF 2.101)

  35. X.H. Sun, C.L. Sun, et al., Effect of 2-methoxyethanolon structure and dielectrical properties of (Pb0.25Ba0.15Sr0.6)TiO3 thin films by modified sol-gel technique, Journal of Crystal Growth 285 (4): 579-585 Dec. 15 2005. (citation: 2, IF 1.462)

  36.  S.S. Guo, W.P. Li, C.L. Sun, et al., Leakage current and relaxation characteristics of electron-irradiated poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymers, Materials Letters,Vol.58, Issu.6, pp.1064-1070, 2004. (citation: 2, IF 2.437)

  37. S.S. Guo, W.P. Li, C.L. Sun, et al., Structural changes and phase behavior of electron-irradiated poly(vinylidene-trifluoroethylene) copolymers, Materials Chemistry & Physics,Vol.83, Iss.2-3, pp. 298-306, 2004. (citation: 3, IF 2.101)

  38. W.P. Li, S.S. Guo, Y.W. Tang, C.L. Sun, et al., Structural modification of electron-irradiated poly (vinylidene luoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer, Journal of Materials Science, Vol.39,Iss.5, pp.1827-1829,2004. (citation: 1, IF 2.302)

  39. S.S. Guo,W.P. Li, C.L. Sun, et al., A Thermal Study on Phase Transition of High-Energy Electron-Irradiated  P(VDF-TrFE) 80/20 mol﹪ Copolymers, Materials Chemistry & Physics Vol. 81, Issu.1, pp.166-173, 2003. (citation: 3, IF 2.101) 




  1. C.L. Sun, X.J. Mu, Ilker E. Ocak and Y.D. Gu, Energy harvesting device and method for forming the same, US 20150145376 A1.

  2. C.L. Sun, X.J. Mu, Peter H.K. Chang, Q.X. Zhang, and Y.D. Gu, Wei Mong Tsang, Energy harvesting device and method of harvesting energy, WO2014204410 A1, US 2016/0111980.

  3. Ilker E. Ocak, C.L. Sun, Julius M. Tsai, Sanchitha N. Fernando, Force feedback electrodes in MEMS accelerometer, US 20140260618 A1, CA2844685A1, EP2778692A1.

  4. Ilker E. Ocak, C.L. Sun, Julius M. Tsai, Sanchitha N. Fernando, Fully differential capacitive architecture for MEMS accelerometer, US 20140260617 A1, CA2844780A1, EP2778691A1.

  5. J.H. Xu, Julius M. Tsai, W. Sun, C.L. Sun, Sensor with Vacuum Sealed Cavity, US 9,321,30 B2.

  6. X.J. Mu, C.L. Sun, Y.D. Gu, Device for determining a property of a fluid and method of forming the same, WO 2015/076757.

  7. 赵兴中,孙成亮,国世上,李伟平,铙钹传感器,CN2676155 Y.

  8. Y. Zhu, N. Wang and C.L. Sun, Piezoelectric resonator with high coupling coefficient, Singapore provisional filed. 


2016 新加坡科技研究局“领导、教育和培养人才天赋奖”(部级奖项)

The Award for Leading, Educating & Nurturing Talent 2016


Award: IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards 2014


1999, 2000, 2001, 2002连续四年获得betway必威优秀导师称号


1996, 1997, 1998, 1999大学本科连续四年获得校级三好学生称号并获得奖学金

1995, 1996, 1997, 1998连续四年获得学校体育运动会奖

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