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    许建斌博士于1983年和1986年在南京大学获得理学学士及硕士学位。其硕士论文指导教授为张淑仪院士。1988年初赴德国康斯坦茨大学(精英大学)深造,师从德国著名固体物理学和应用物理学家 Klaus Dransfeld 教授 (德国科学院院士, 原马克斯-普朗克协会固体研究所所长),主要从事纳米科学技术研究,期间专注于扫描探针显微术和近场显微术及其在能量传递方面的应用。1993年夏获得德国自然科学博士。其后加盟香港中文大学电子工程系。自2002年至今担任香港中文大学电子工程系教授(终身教职),并获得IEEE Fellow。长期从事纳米科学技术,固体电子学物理及材料,以及半导体光电子器件物理的研究工作。在微纳米尺度表征,纳米热传导、MOS栅极绝缘层,有机半导体器件界面物理,以及石墨烯及二维电子材料制备及器件物理,新型太阳能电池等方面,取得了诸多具有创新意义的成果,并在国际同行中产生重要影响。

Dr. Xu received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Nanjing University in 1983 and 1986, respectively, in Physics and Electronic Science and Engineering, under the supervision of Prof. Shu-yi Zhang (Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences). Since 1988, he was highly privileged to study in the University of Konstanz (an elite university), particularly under the supervision of Prof. Klaus Dransfeld (Member of German Academy of Sciences), former Director of Max-Plank Institute for Solid State Research, and Max-Plank Institute for High-Magnetic Fields). His doctoral dissertation was focused on the near-field sensing and nanoscopic energy transfer and heat transport associated with electronic processes. He earned his doctorate (Dr.rer.nat.) in 1993. Afterwards, he joined the Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has been Professor in the department since the midst of 2002, and IEEE Fellow. Dr. Xu is also professor of the Yangtze river scholar of education (physical electronics) and 1,000 Talents Plan/Thousand Talents Program. He works on nano-Science and Technology, Solid electronics physics and materials, and Semiconductor physics of optoelectronic device. He has also obtained many innovative achievements, including in characterizations of Nanometer scale, Nano heat conduction, MOS gate dielectric, Physics of organic semiconductor device interface, Graphene or 2D materials devices and physics, and Perovskite solar cells, which have an important impact on international peers.