






2021.07 至今,betway必威,特聘副研究员

2018.10 至 2021.06,betway必威动力与机械学院,机械电子工程,博士后/助理研究员


2011.09 至 2017.12,中国地质大学(武汉),矿物学、岩石学、矿床学,博士

2007.09 至 2011.06,中国地质大学(武汉),宝石及材料工艺学,学士




[1] Qi Z J#, Shen W#, Li R, Sun X, Li L J, Wang Q J, Wu G*, Liang K*. AlN/diamond interface nanoengineering for reducing thermal boundary resistance by molecular dynamics simulations[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 615: 156419.

[2] Sun Z P#, Qi Z J#, Liang K, Sun X, Zhang Z F, Li L J, Wang Q J, Zhang G Q, Wu G*, Shen W*. A neuroevolution potential for predicting the thermal conductivity of α, β, and ε-Ga2O3[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 123(19).

[3] Xiong J H#, Qi Z J#, Liang K, Sun X, Sun Z P, Wang Q J, Chen L W, Wu G*, Shen W*. Molecular dynamics insights on thermal conductivities of cubic diamond, lonsdaleite and nanotwinned diamond via the machine-learned potential[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2023, 32: 128101.

[4] Weng Y Y#, Wu G#, Li R, Mei L Y, Wei S B, Yao Y F, Li Z X, Wang D, Liu S*, Lei C*. Multiparameter investigation of diamond plates with optical time-stretch quantitative phase imaging[J]. Crystal Growth & Design, 2023, 23: 388-394.

[5] Sun K, Wu G*, Liang K*, Sun B, Wang J. Investigation into photolithography process of FPCB with 18 µm line pitch[J]. Micromachines, 2023, 14(5): 1020.

[6] Shen W#, Wu G#, Li L J, Li H, Liu S*, Shen S N*, Zou D W. Fluorine-terminated diamond (110) surfaces for nitrogen-vacancy quantum sensors [J]. Carbon, 2022, 193: 17-25.

[7] Wu G#, Wang Q J#, Wu Y X, Sun X, Liao J, Pan J H, Chen M H, Kasu M, Liu S*. Evolution of defects, morphologies and fundamental growth characteristics of CVD diamond films induced by nitrogen addition[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2020, 25: 101504.

[8] Wang Q J#, Wu G#, Newhourse-Illige T A, Shepard A W, Greer J A, Gan Z Y, Feng G, Liu S*. Heteroepitaxial diamond film deposition on KTaO3 substrates via single-crystal iridium buffer layers[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2020, 110: 108117.

[9] Wang Q J#, Wu G#, Liu S*, Gan Z Y*, Yang B, Pan J H. Simulation-based development of a new cylindrical-cavity microwave-plasma reactor for diamond-film synthesis[J]. Crystals, 2019, 9(6): 320.

[10] Wu G, Chen M H*. The influence of seed crystals on the quality of single-crystal diamond produced by a microwave plasma CVD method[J]. New Carbon Materials, 2018, 33(1): 88-96.

[11] Wu G*, Chen M H, Liao J. The influence of recess depth and crystallographic orientation of seed sides on homoepitaxial growth of CVD single crystal diamonds[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2016, 65: 144-151.

[12] Zhang R J#, Li M#, Wu G, Li L J, Zhang Z F, Liang K*, Shen W*. Modulating electronic properties of β-Ga2O3 by strain engineering. Results in Physics, 2023, 52: 106916.

[13] Xue L H, Feng G, Wu G, Gao B, Li R, Liu S*. Effect of texture on 4H–SiC substrate surface on film growth: A molecular dynamics study[J]. Vacuum, 2023, 214: 112180.

[14] Li R, Wu G, Liang K, Wang S Z, Xue L H, Sun Y M, Dong F, Li H*, Liu S*. Indenter radius effect on mechanical response of a-(11–20), c-(0001), and m-(-1100) plane GaN single crystals in nanoindentation: A molecular dynamics study[J]. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2022, 145: 106648.

[15] Li R, Wu G, Liang K, Wang S Z, Sun X, Han X, Xue L H, Li H*, Liu S*. Effects of AlN substrate orientation on crystalline quality of wurtzite GaN films investigated via molecular dynamics [J]. Computational Materials Science, 2022, 202: 110991.

[16] Li R, Wu G, Liang K, Xue L H, Wang S Z, Liu S*. Influence of atomic incident kinetic energy on crystalline quality of epitaxial GaN thin films: A molecular dynamics study[J]. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2022, 150: 106979.

[17] Xue L H, Feng G, Wu G, Wang S Z, Li R, Han X, Sun Y M, Liu S*. Study of the deposition of nanopillar-patterned 4H-SiC by molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 579: 152209.

[18] Xue L H, Feng G, Wu G, Dong F, Liang K, Li R, Wang S Z, Liu S*. Study of deformation mechanism of structural anisotropy in 4H–SiC film by nanoindentation[J]. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2022, 146: 106671.

[19] Liang K, Zhang Z, Wu G, Gan Z Y, Liu S*. Optimization of molecular beam epitaxial film thickness uniformity using Monte Carlo simulations and an artificial neural network[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2022, 93(6): 063904.

[20] Liang K, Dong F, Wu G, Liu S*. Molecular dynamics for cooling rate dependence of solidification of aluminum nitride[J]. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2021, 121: 105340.

[21] Liang K, Sun X, Wu G, Zhang L B, Liu S*, Gan Z Y*. The investigation of molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaN by molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2020, 173: 109426.

[22] Sun X, Guo Y Z, Wu G, Zhao Y, Liu S*, Li H*. Research of n-type arsenic doped diamond: Theoretical analysis of electronic and mechanical properties[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2020, 108: 107924.

[23] Dong F, Li R, Wu G, Liang K, Li G L, Nie Y T, Gan Z Y, Cao Q, Wang X H, Zhao Q Z, Liu S*. An investigation of aluminum nitride thin films patterned by femtosecond laser[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 116(15): 154101.

[24] Weng Y Y, Wu G, Mei L Y, Wang Q J, Goda K, Liu S, Lei C*. Temporally interleaved optical time-stretch imaging[J]. Optics Letters, 2020, 45(8): 2387-2390.

[25] Weng Y Y, Mei L Y, Wu G, Chen S Y, Zhan B H, Goda K, Liu S*, Lei C*. Analysis of signal detection configurations in optical time-stretch imaging[J]. Optics Express, 2020, 28(20): 29272-29284.


[1] 刘胜, 沈威, 吴改, 郭宇铮, 梁康, 汪启军, 王诗兆. 一种基于CVD法的应变金刚石生长掺杂方法, 2022-1-5, 中国, ZL202210003968.4

[2] 刘胜, 沈威, 吴改, 梁康, 郭宇铮, 汪启军, 王诗兆. 一种基于MBE法的应变金刚石生长掺杂方法及外延结构, 2022-1-5, 中国, ZL202210003978.8

[3] 刘胜, 梁康, 吴改, 甘志银. 一种优化分子束外延薄膜均匀性的方法, 2021-8-26, 中国,ZL202110985926.0

[4] 刘胜, 吴改, 汪启军, 东芳, 曹强, 甘志银. 一种具有晶体结构检测及原位修复功能的装置, 2020-8-6, 中国, ZL202010783693.1

[5] 刘胜, 吴改, 东芳, 汪启军, 甘志银, 曹强. 可在线/原位监测的微波等离子体化学气相沉积设备, 2020-4-9, 中国, ZL202010272658.3

[6] 刘胜, 吴改, 汪启军, 东芳, 曹强, 甘志银. 一种高效调控CVD单晶金刚石局部区域位错密度的方法, 2019-11-8, 中国, ZL201911086509.1

[7] 刘胜, 翁跃云, 雷诚, 吴改. 一种化学气相沉积监控系统及方法, 2019-7-5, 中国, ZL201910603330.2

[8] 曹强, 聂阳天, 刘胜, 吴改, 彭庆. 一种包含拉曼光谱原位测量腔的化学气相沉积装置, 2019-2-22, 中国, ZL201910131157.0

[9] 刘胜, 王诗兆, 郭宇铮, 沈威, 吴改, 孙亚萌, 汪启军, 东芳. 金刚石薄膜转移装置及转移工艺和基于间接预拉伸金刚石薄膜应变装置及构建方法, 2022-1-25, 中国, ZL202210087749.9

[10] 刘胜, 张贺辉, 郭宇铮, 王诗兆, 孙亚萌, 吴改, 沈威, 汪启军, 马坤. 基于金刚石间接拉伸结构的金刚石/块铜衬底扩散键合工艺及结构, 2021-12-16, 中国, ZL202111542762.0

[11] Sheng Liu, Wei Shen, Gai Wu, Yuzheng Guo, Kang Liang, Qijun Wang, Shizao Wang. Strained Diamond Growth Doping Method Based on CVD Method, 2022-6-27, 美国, US11519097B1(betway必威2022年度高水平教学科研成果)

[12] 刘胜, 沈威, 吴改, 梁康, 东芳, 王诗兆, 汪启军. 金刚石镓-空位量子色心、应用及制备方法, 2023-1-10, 中国, 202310030857.7

[13] 沈威, 雷振扬, 吴改, 梁康, 东芳, 王诗兆, 汪启军, 孙展鹏. 金刚石铍-空位量子色心、应用及制备方法, 2023-1-10, 中国, 202310030827.6

[14] 吴改, 戚梓俊, 梁康, 沈威, 李瑞. 金刚石基复合材料界面热阻的优化方法, 2022-3-22, 中国, 202210288129.1

[15] 吴改, 沈威, 孙展鹏, 梁康, 何家梁, 戚梓俊. 一种新型β-氧化镓/c-砷化硼异质结构及制备方法, 2022-12-13, 中国, 202211610930.X

[16] 刘胜, 吴改, 沈威, 汪启军, 梁康, 熊佳豪. 一种激光诱导单晶金刚石表面掺杂的装置及方法, 2022-6-13, 中国, 202210659786.2


[1] 国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目“薄膜生长缺陷跨时空尺度原位/实时监测与调控实验装置”(部门推荐),6500万元,核心骨干.

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“CVD单晶金刚石薄膜位错缺陷的选区调控方法研究”,24万元,主持.

[3] 武汉市知识创新专项项目——曙光计划项目“金刚石基AlN异质结的界面设计、制备与优化研究”,10万元,主持.

[4] 中央高校自主科研基金项目——青年教师资助项目“基于表面微结构的大尺寸、低缺陷金刚石薄膜制备工艺研究”,5万元,主持.

[5] betway必威重大工程创新能力建设平台项目(教育部贴息贷款项目)“真空互联薄膜器件创新研发重大科学装置”,6830万元,核心骨干.

[6] 湖北省XXXX项目“氧化镓等XXXXXXXX”,4XXX万,核心骨干.

[7] 广东省区域联合基金重点项目“n型掺杂金刚石半导体单晶材料制备及关键技术研究”,100万元,核心骨干.

[8] 湖北省XXXX项目“XXXXX芯片关键核心技术开发”,4XXX万,参与人员.


职位 科研团队成员 邮箱 wugai1988@whu.edu.cn
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